City of Gunter, Grayson County, TX Public Records

Texas Public Records Search

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Search the City of Gunter, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 75058 with a total population of 1,498. Look up recorded information of Gunter, including demographics and local economy. Link to all levels of Gunter, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in the City of Gunter. Find out about the background of residents and recorded statistics. Request criminal records specific to the City of Gunter, from law enforcement departments with access to the state's repository with official background check of arrests and convicted felonies. Access a directory aimed toward producing open public records and instant information available online. Gunter sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
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  • Where can I find an easy way to check on a business?
    Regardless of where the entity is located, in this case, in Gunter, TX, you can check the Better Business Bureau. Once the BBB accredits the business, you can see the rating, how long they have been accredited, a customer complaint history/summary of issues about advertising and sales, billing and collections, problems with products or services they've offered, delivery, guarantee, and warranty complaints. In addition to the number of criticisms of those above, there are notes of the business about its products and services and licensing. After that, you can look up a board for more licensing information. You may have to search a few different ways to verify the business if you don't initially find it. For example, the business name did not appear in the licensing when I looked up a particular plumbing service. After that, I searched under the plumber's reputation and found it. Even though the search fields allow a user to search by business names, this type of search can be done online freely as often as you'd like and will offer plenty of information. (Staff)
Gunter, TX Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Gunter, TX Crime Records (Updated 02/24/2025)
  • Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
Gunter, TX Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of residents
  • White resident population recorded
  • Black or African American resident population recorded
  • American Indian and Alaska native resident population recorded
  • Asian resident population recorded
  • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander resident population recorded
  • Hispanic or Latino of any race resident population recorded
  • Resident population of some other race recorded
  • Resident population of two or more races recorded