City of Omaha, Douglas County, NE Public Records

Nebraska Public Records Search

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Search the City of Omaha, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 68101 with a total population of 408,958. Look up recorded information of Omaha, including demographics and local economy. Link to all levels of Omaha, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in the City of Omaha. Find out about the background of residents and recorded statistics. Request criminal records specific to the City of Omaha, from law enforcement departments with access to the state's repository with official background check of arrests and convicted felonies. Access a directory aimed toward producing open public records and instant information available online. Omaha sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
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  • Where can I find the contact information for who owns an apartment complex?
    Nebraska's secretary of state's website has an open free search. You can search by keyword, name of apartment, and others, and you will see the principal office address, registered agents, directors, and more. You can also request copies of articles filings, tax returns, and whatever else is on the list of available documents. (Staff)
  • Where can I find a background check to see if there is anything to disqualify me before I give them the $50 fee?
    You can request one from the state online if that's the one that is being used. (Staff)
  • Where can I find out if someone is dead or in jail?
    To see prisoners under the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services custody, you can conduct an online inmate search freely. Some county law enforcement/sheriffs also have detention facilities that hold prisoners, usually temporary or short-term. You can request death records from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. However, there are restrictions on who can order them. Also, they issue official certificates, which is unnecessary only when looking for information. For death information, there are several approaches available. Periodicals can be looked at online since so many publications have articles on the web, such as obituaries. There are indexes to cemeteries that reveal names. You can look at any number of name-based data banks online; the location is essential. In many cases, a simple people finder search can reveal addresses; all you need is a place to start your search or other specifics that pertain only to the subject of your search. Name search data banks can be found state or county-wide, depending on the agency. One example is business ownerships using the Nebraska Secretary of State's Office name search. Localized searches, such as property information, can be found on the county's official site. If you use a public record site, you can see many of the available portals to name searches that are available online. This saves you from finding them yourself without knowing where to look for them. (Staff)
  • Where can I find information about an arrest at home at North 85th Street and Pratt Street?
    There are two ways to see more information about an event. Local crime news will provide police arrest logs and crime mapping if all you have is a location. You can see the department that made the arrest and then look up the inmate or jail list that would give you the name. Once you have the name and location, you can see more information about crime and arrest reports in local newspaper articles found online. (Staff)
  • Where can I find sex offenders included in the background checks?
    Nebraska, as well as many other states, offers citizens free online databases of predators without requiring a full background check. Private nonprofit organizations and federal law enforcement agencies provide a national search, and Nebraska has its resource for residents that would like to conduct a sex offender registry search. Unlike many background checks, this is free and instantly displays results, including photos, when available. Local sheriffs or police agencies can provide offender information, including criminal background reports, warrants, and most wanted. (Staff)
Omaha, NE Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Omaha, NE Crime Records (Updated 02/23/2025)
  • Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
Omaha, NE Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of residents
  • White resident population recorded
  • Black or African American resident population recorded
  • American Indian and Alaska native resident population recorded
  • Asian resident population recorded
  • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander resident population recorded
  • Hispanic or Latino of any race resident population recorded
  • Resident population of some other race recorded
  • Resident population of two or more races recorded
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