Missouri Public Records

Missouri Public Records Search

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About Missouri Open Public Records
Missouri has 114 counties and one independent city with 961 cities having a population of almost 6 million. Missouri was admitted into the Union in 1821 as the 24th state. The land that is now Missouri was acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. It is also known as the transition between the Eastern and Western United States. Missouri is bordered by 8 different states. Major industries include aerospace, food processing, chemicals and agricultural manufacturing. Missouri produces massive amounts of soybeans, hogs and cattle. It also has vast quantities of limestone and produces the most lead of all the states. Government departments throughout Missouri are custodians of records and information which are open to public access. The Missouri State Highway Patrol contains the Criminal Justice Information Services Division which is the central repository for all fingerprint-based criminal record information for the state. It also houses the Access Integrity Unit which is responsible for compliance with system accesses and collecting Uniform Crime Reporting data. Find Missouri public records from conveniently organized links that direct searches to official state sites containing numerous recorded documents. These documents include birth, death and other vital records. Perform searches for Missouri criminal records and court case records online. Access pertinent information relating to government agencies and resources, public services, and community events. Discover directories which link to data available through city, county, or state websites. View census figures and learn about state demographics. Learn about Missouri land and property values, housing and real estate information. See data detailing gender and ethnicity backgrounds of those who are private business owners in the state. Find Missouri crime reports and statistics and obtain information concerning employment income, including government and private workers. See data regarding state residents education and background histories. Read news reports and stories of local interest. Available facts and information are continually refreshed to ensure data is kept current.
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  • Where can I access a copy of the original police reports from the day of my arrest in 2015 in Missouri?
    Arrest or incident reports can be requested from the law enforcement agency which created the account. Individual departments maintain websites with information on where and how to request official police reports. When ordering from the Missouri highway patrol, their site offers a public request form that can be submitted online.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I determine the outcome of a person's charges and what they were sentenced to in Missouri?
    You can search cases freely by date or party name. Click on this link https://www.courts.mo.gov/That will go to the state's main court web page, where you will see "Search for a Case Find public case information." There's an option to narrow the search by court/jurisdiction and type. This search is also open to the public; you can search multiple names and cases without being charged.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out if someone has a warrant in Missouri?
    To look for a warrant, you need to do some searching unless you hire someone else or an entity to search for you. Warrants can be searched throughout the state by checking with the law enforcement agency of that area, such as the sheriff for the county and police for municipalities. There are federal warrants; however, they are not as common. It depends greatly on where the warrant was issued; some departments have the data online, and others don't, so it's hard to say precisely how. You can search for questions and answers at the county level. When you enter "Missouri warrant search," you will see a list of sheriff's departments that provide online warrant lists. All may not be listed initially, so you may need to look by individual county names. Judges/courts issue warrants and law enforcement gets them after to serve them to the individual.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri when an order of protection was taken out on someone?
    Order of protection petitions are generally filed with the court, and court records are public. It depends on where the order was filed and the county/court. Court proceedings, even in these petitions, are public records. There are many services online to help with orders of protection; https://www.courts.mo.gov/has an online form that answers many questions about filings and issued copies.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find access to building permits and inspection records in Missouri?
    Counties and cities should issue building permits, and they will have procedures to access their services. Mention the location or city so that others with some experience with the same issue can better help.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find, in Missouri, access to property tax information?
    The department of revenue handles property taxes in Missouri. Real estate information, such as home ownership, is different, and the Missouri Department of Revenue deals with personal property, such as vehicle and tax information. If you'd like to search homes, their owners, value, or copies of deeds, you'll need to look into that particular county (unless you'd like to find a private source). Within Missouri counties' websites, you can find their department of revenue; they provide real estate documents, copies, liens (either federal or state), research, and other official documents. Which county is the property in?
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find Missouri arrests on December 19, 2014?
    Local police departments make arrests; state police have their arrest reports, mostly involving DUIs. Depending on where the arrest happened, there is a process to request reports from the individual police department. Some departments allow free copies to the individual that was arrested. If a defense attorney or public defender was involved, they might have already requested and obtained a copy.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where do I find a copy of a death certificate in Missouri for a specific person listed in a will?
    The Missouri secretary of state has an open death certificate search of death from 1910 to 1965. It is a free search, and you will see a digitized certificate image. You can search multiple counties at once.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find, in Missouri, title records for a property?
    The County Recorder of Deeds has official copies for the public. Depending on where you are looking, some counties have better online services than others. If you are not near the recorder's physical location, you can contact them directly as this is an often requested document, and the clerk is responsible for providing them. Some services go to the offices and get copies. The Adair county assessors is an example where individuals can drop by and look up property information on microfilm.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find free information about my daughter's arrest on a 13-year-old warrant in Missouri?
    Copies of police reports are available from the department which made the arrest. Policies about who can or how to get them to depend on the individual department. An easy way to find out is by looking it up on the department's site. Some departments provide free copies to persons related to the case/incident. There are several issues to consider, where the arrest occurred, where the warrant was issued/which court, the level of the offense, and other factors. The Missouri state patrol's website gives specific instructions with forms to request arrest reports. Also, an instant web search of arrest information is on their site. The arrest information is not a complete arrest report, just informational, and you can print it out. A lot of police departments spell out the booking and arrest process. The state highway patrol has a phone number to their records division listed for any questions from the public.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I solve a problem in Missouri if I have a city warrant for failure to appear and my failure to appear is due to being incarcerated in a county jail in a different city at the time of my court date?
    Write a letter to the court that you were supposed to be at. U can call the clerk and get the name of the judge that handled our case (traffic, misdemeanor possession, theft, etc.. and you can write that judge, and his office will check and reset your court date, or maybe you can get time served if you were already arraigned in for the charge. If it were a traffic thing or a fine u needed to pay, they would want the money! So have the cash when you do go to court!
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri if I have a warrant for my arrest?
    Is it a municipal warrant? County or state of Missouri warrant? Generally, a judge/court issues the warrant, and that particular court or clerk will likely have a website and how to retrieve records or information. Access is easier when it is your own; specific departments, probably larger ones, will have online services to search for their data.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find a divorced woman by her maiden name in Missouri?
    To do a comprehensive search, both maiden and all married names would need to be searched. You can run into both during a search, and some records, such as deeds, can have both. One of the first steps to a successful search is to uncover all names and treat each as an individual search.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri, my court date?
    Reach the court clerk. They have websites for contact information and other public services online. Which circuit? There are forty-five judicial circuits, and the state court website lists all circuits by the county you can directly connect to.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri if I have arrest warrants?
    There are sheriff's webpages that show their local warrants; Greene county is one; search the county name followed by the keywords: active warrants or just warrants. These warrant lists are free; you may need to search around for them. Which county was the warrant in?
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri when someone will be released?
    If you can find that person in Missouri's Department of corrections database, you can see sentence information freely online. There's also a category called "Completed Offenses" once the inmate's profile is found.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where do I find them in Missouri? How can I acquire free public records?
    Begin with what you can find on this site, including jumping to county pages and more. Check the Missouri Free Court Records Search above, which is a free search. Another free court search is https://www.courts.mo.gov/cnet/welcome.doYou can search criminal, appellate, civil, probate, infraction, traffic, and municipal cases. For local records, county pages do the same, offering a list of various government agencies with free and open databases. Since you're searching with free records or as much of it as possible, you will need to look for databases with helpful information individually; there's more work in finding the databases than searching them once you've seen them.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I inquire if I have a warrant in Missouri?
    There are a misdemeanor, municipal, and felony warrants. Greene county's sheriff's department has online searches, while other counties have their muni warrants appearing on their webpage. Misdemeanor or municipal warrants are generally traffic warrants and low-level offenses. There are recent warrants published by date on this page below. If you click on "More," older warrants will appear.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out where someone currently works in Missouri?
    Check for professional licenses; you can see CPAs and their partnerships or an attorney where they practice. Some employment information is public, including many government jobs. It's okay to look over many sites as long as it does not cost anything; professional profiles online are published even if the person is not a contractor or a person for hire, just a professional profile that will include current employment, even some from the past. Linkedin is another good resource.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I get police reports and information from a murder case in Missouri?
    Both police reports (other than a few exceptions) and criminal court cases are public information. You will need to request them separately unless the case file contains a copy of the police report. Find the county court services, which include case searches. Begin with the state's court web page and their litigant/party case search. You may need to go to the courthouse in person to view the entire case file; everything is likely not available online.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find Missouri about a previous restraining order?
    The Missouri court site has a page that can shed light on restraining orders, also known as the 'order of protection,' and information about the 'Missouri Uniformed Law Enforcement System (MULES).' MULES allow law enforcement agencies across the state to access orders of protection. There are factors such as whether it was filed and had a hearing in which court since there are accessibility guidelines in requesting copies. The Missouri courts' website offers forms and shows where they are filed and what happens afterward to the petition.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find in Missouri how to solve the problem of two warrants for my son's arrest in two different counties; Boone County, where he is under arrest for a parole violation, and Callaway County, which has a warrant for his arrest?
    No. He is on PROBATION, meaning they can take however long they want as long as their courts pay his jail bill (Boone County). They're probably waiting until they have arranged transportation cheaply. (another inmate going to or coming from that area).
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I see if someone from Missouri is being sentenced?
    Check the court calendar for that day, which is open to anyone with internet access. Go to the Missouri court's home page; you can get there with the state's court link under "Free Public Records Directory." Once you're on the home page, you will see a "Search for a Case" link in the center of that page. On that page, you will see the option "Scheduled Hearings.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can I find out if someone is in prison in Missouri?
    You can check the public access to Missouri's dept. Of corrections inmates listed below. When you click "Missouri Prison and Jail Inmates," the landing page will have fields where you can search by the offender's name.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out how many warrants have been issued for a person from 2007 to 2013 in Missouri?
    It depends on the county or city where the warrant was issued. Some, such as Springfield police, published a list of active arrest warrants from their Municipal Court, same with Boon county, and others didn't.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find my lost court documents, judgment, and money from my neighbor's dog bite last year in Missouri?
    Contact the actual court where you got the judgment. County offices always have contact information for courts in their jurisdiction. Please speak to the clerk; she can point you in the right direction. Also, you have to decide if your judgment is worth sharing a piece of it with an attorney.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
Missouri Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Missouri Latest Crime Records (Updated 02/26/2025)
  • Total Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Total Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
Missouri Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of persons residing within the state
  • Estimate of the state's total residency
  • Percentage change of the total resident population
  • Net change of residents' total population
  • Complete count of statewide resident population
  • Population estimate of residents less than 5 years of age
  • Estimated percentage of residents that are less than 5 years of age
  • Estimate of residents that are less than 18 years of age
  • Estimated percentage of residents that are less than 18 years of age
  • Percentage estimate of residents that are 65 years of age and older
  • Estimate of residents that are 65 years of age and older
  • Total estimate percentage of female residents
  • State's white resident population
  • State's black resident population
  • State's American Indian and Alaska Native resident populations
  • State's Asian resident population
  • State's Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resident population
  • Statewide resident population of two or more races
  • Statewide resident population of Hispanic or Latino origin
  • Non Hispanic white resident population
  • Statewide percentage of white residents
  • Statewide percentage of black residents
  • Statewide percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents
  • Statewide percentage of Asian residents
  • Statewide percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
  • Statewide percentage of Two or more races
  • Statewide percentage of Hispanic or Latino Origin
  • Statewide percentage of non Hispanic white
  • Vital Statistics

    Births and deaths occurring in Missouri
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • Infant death occurring within the state of persons one year of age or less
  • Percentage of persons with the same residence of one year or more
  • Resident Background Information

    Education and background history of Missouri Residents
  • Percentage of foreign born population in the state
  • Percentage of residents 5 years of age and older that speak languages other than English at home
  • Percentage of persons from 25 years of age and older with high a school education or higher
  • Percentage of persons from 25 years of age and older with bachelor's degree or higher
  • Total number of Veterans
  • Current Housing and Real Estate Data

    Households located in Missouri
  • Average time spent commuting to work for person 16 years and over not working from their personal residence
    23 Min
  • Housing unit estimates
  • Net change of housing units estimates
  • Housing unit estimates - percentage change
  • Percentage of the state's housing units being occupied by owners
  • Median value of the state's housing units being occupied by owners
  • Percentage of housing in structure of multi dwelling units
  • Total number of households
  • Average size of households
  • Missouri Employment Data

    Income, earnings and payrolls of people residing within the State
  • Per capita income in the past 12 months in dollars adjusted to inflation
  • Statewide income of median households in Missouri
  • Percentage of persons living in poverty
  • The personal income of persons employed
  • Per capita income of persons employed
  • Labor force of civilian workers
  • The unemployment of the civilian labor force
  • The rate of unemployed civilian labor force
  • Employment of person relating to all industries
  • Net change of employment in all industries
  • People employed by the government
  • Earnings by persons working in all industries
  • Average earnings per job in all industries
  • Number of private non farm establishments
Open-Public-Records.com Disclaimer: Open-Public-Records.com accesses data available from various unaffiliated external public sources. Open-Public-Records.com does not guarantee the accuracy of the information from unaffiliated sources and makes no representation of the data's completeness and content. Sources listed and its data are independent from Open-Public-Records.com. Information is subject to change without notice due to updating and modifications to data. Utilization of content is at one's sole risk, all data is for informational purposes only. Open-Public-Records.com does not make any claims of guilt of the alleged perpetrators appearing. Open Public Records is not to be utilized for any commercial purposes, including but not limited to employment, tenant or any screening or evaluation. Open Public Records is not a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) as defined under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). For further information and verification please refer to the original source of the data.