Miami-Dade County, Florida Public Records

Florida Public Records Search

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Search Miami-Dade County public records using best found research sources online. Look up recorded information of Miami-Dade County including demographics and local economy. Link to all levels of Miami-Dade County government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in any city of Miami-Dade County. Find out about the background of residents and recorded statistics. Request Miami-Dade County criminal records from law enforcement departments with access to the state's repository with official background check of arrests and convicted felonies. Access a directory aimed toward producing open public records and instant information available online. Miami-Dade County sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
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  • How can I find a mugshot of someone who was arrested recently?
    You can search local publications, which can be easily found online or view Miami Dade police's jail databank. Search for "Inmate Information - Miami-Dade County" should be at the top of SERPs. There will be a link called "Online Inmate in Custody Search" on that page, which will land on a form where the name can be entered.
  • Where can I find access to the number of crimes in Haulover Beach?
    Miami Police Department's crime mapping program shows the area's crime by category, type, and date span. You can narrow it down to the street level and see the crime description, the incident number, and the department which responded to the call.
  • How can I find someone arrested in 2008-2009 with only their first name?
    Address searches show family and spouse's names. If you know any of those or even a roommate, a thorough address search will reveal other residents living at that address. Or do a reverse address search and get resident information. There are many possibilities, depending on how much you already know. If you know where parents, any relatives, spouse, former spouse, roommates, and friends reside, you can then run an address search and see residents' last names. Hard to say without knowing all the facts and details; how much is known about the arrest, and where did the information come from?
  • Where can I find the number of ex-convicts or people with criminal records who have successfully integrated into the community and are holding jobs?
    Government statistics may not cover this type of data—social studies from organizations, colleges, and universities. News organizations/periodicals produce reports and publish their findings. Published reports by the news may not be reliable as they can contain their take and view. However, you can find out where the source of their information came from.
About Miami-Dade County, FL Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Miami-Dade County, FL Latest Crime Records (Updated 02/21/2025)
  • Total Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Total Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
Miami-Dade County, FL Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of persons residing within the County
  • County's white resident population
  • County's black resident population
  • County's American Indian and Alaska Native resident populations
  • County's Asian resident population
  • County's Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resident population
  • Countywide resident population of two or more races
  • Countywide resident population of Hispanic or Latino origin
  • Non Hispanic white resident population