San Diego, CA Public Records

California Public Records Search

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Search San Diego, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 92101 with a total population of 1,307,402. Look up recorded information of San Diego, including demographics and local economy. Link to all levels of San Diego, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in San Diego. Find out about the background of residents and recorded statistics. Request criminal records specific to San Diego, from law enforcement departments with access to the state's repository with official background check of arrests and convicted felonies. Access a directory aimed toward producing open public records and instant information available online. San Diego sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
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  • How do I find out if a potential tenant has a criminal history?
    You can look up records on your own and pick/choose what you need to see. At the top of this page, you will see a drop-down menu for counties. Select San Diego county. After that, you will see under "San Diego County Free Public Records Directory" a link to the county's case each "San Diego County Court Records:" At the center of that page, you will see a link "access court records," the next page will have a link to its free court case search by the SD county government. The coverage is limited; review what is offered to the public online. (Staff)
  • Where can I find what was the police and helicopter activity on Mirage Court, in Ranchoearly, in the morning on February 23rd, 2013?
    Check the crime map source. Using the one on this page will automatically take you to the one for the San Diego area. The site compiles information from individual police departments. You can access different crime mapping (there are several) from the police department's crime reporting webpage. (Staff)
  • Can I get a letter from the police department saying I have no criminal records?
    Only if you don't have any criminal records. (Staff)
  • How can I find my divorce case number?
    San Diego county courts have an online search of cases by name that can be used to get case numbers and details. (Staff)
  • Where can I find out if a divorce filing has been made for an individual?
    In which the divorce was filed, you can visit the courthouse and view cases. Copies may cost or have fees attached, but for viewing, many venues allow the public to check out or view the file only, then request copies if necessary. You can take photos with your cell or digital camera also. (Staff)
  • Where can I find when someone is indicted? What agency arrests that person?
    Indictments are obtained by the city/county/state/federal prosecutors. The prosecutor is considered a top law enforcement personnel and will turn it over to the police/sheriff. Any law enforcement agency can make the arrest. The procedures and specifics vary from one jurisdiction to another. (Staff)
  • Where can I find the names of the defendants arrested in "Operation Red Menace"?
    If there's anything about the arresting agency or where they are being held in custody, that department's jail/inmate search list can show who has been recently arrested. (Staff)
  • Where can I find the safest areas to live and buy a house in?
    The first inclination is to look up census reports and other similar databases. In some instances, the city or area is mentioned in the news as being safe or riddled with crime, and most cities do not make the news and provide valuable information about the type of neighborhood. When there's a need to honestly look for a good and safe area where you or your family can live and attend school, getting specific information about a particular area will seem challenging. How a person knows where the good places are other than what is mentioned in the media or from statistics alone is a question that is often asked. Having the best research tools can make a difference in the accuracy and specificity of your findings. This is an example of sources to check crime information that solely pertains to institutions of higher learning within the city limits of San Diego. Another great source that is relatively new is crime maps. These interactive sites show the type of crime, location, severity, dates, and notes there. After, you can cross-reference for more specifics from the police department directly and only look up local information where most of the criminal activity appears on crime maps. (Staff)
San Diego, CA Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

San Diego, CA Crime Records (Updated 03/04/2025)
  • Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
San Diego County, CA Latest Crime Records (Updated 03/04/2025)
  • Total Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Total Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
San Diego, CA Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of residents
  • White resident population recorded
  • Black or African American resident population recorded
  • American Indian and Alaska native resident population recorded
  • Asian resident population recorded
  • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander resident population recorded
  • Hispanic or Latino of any race resident population recorded
  • Resident population of some other race recorded
  • Resident population of two or more races recorded
San Diego County, CA Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of persons residing within the County
  • County's white resident population
  • County's black resident population
  • County's American Indian and Alaska Native resident populations
  • County's Asian resident population
  • County's Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resident population
  • Countywide resident population of two or more races
  • Countywide resident population of Hispanic or Latino origin
  • Non Hispanic white resident population