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City zip code is 94203 with a total population of 466,488.
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Sacramento sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
Public records are generally obtained from government agencies and their clerks throughout Sacramento. Visitors seeking official records and open databases have chosen their most popular sources from these government agencies. Individual record departments being the largest custodians of records are the doorway to the general public's most likely requests. Within each source, you will find information about the process, how to obtain certified copies and look up data that is freely open online. As new sources of information becomes available to the public, the list of providers are constantly updated and kept current.
Where can I find information on my friend's murder case from 1993 and the length of the offender's sentence?
Inmate searches in many states/counties will provide sentence information and other details. An important factor in finding the information you're looking for is how much you already know, such as the place and time, the name, and other details that would be helpful in the search. (Staff)
Where can I find a death in my apartment at 53 Arcade Boulevard?
If the death was recent or somewhat recent, you could check with various free crime mapping/reporting services online, which show offenses by city block. (Staff)
Where can I find my arrest record on Dec. 2nd, 1982?
In the Sacramento Sheriff q and a webpage, there's a similar question "How do I get a copy of a crime report?" Here's their answer: "For crimes reported in Sacramento County, contact the Sheriff's Records Section at 711 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 (Phone: 916-874-5383). For all others, contact the responsible law enforcement agency." The phone number is there; if the arrest record/report is archived, you will be able to find out where they are kept since the sheriffs are the initial source of the reports. (Staff)
Where can I find articles on murder from November 12th, 1991?
Try the old news publications at the library. Archived stories may be on microfilm or data files. Look up their website for what they have available for public access. (Staff)
Where can I find access to records of arrests in February 2013?
The Sacramento County Inmate Information system updates with up-to-the-minute data. This inmate list is of persons recently arrested and in the custody of the Sacramento County Sheriffs' department. If a different department makes the arrest, the inmate can be held in another facility. If the arrest resulted in being convicted, the state's department of corrections might have custody and details of charges or arrests even if the person has been released on probation or end of the sentence. (Staff)
Where can I find access to the homicide rate?
The Sacramento County Coroner's Office releases information regarding countywide deaths. Totals and by various categories, and there are several ways to measure statistics. (Staff)
Sacramento, CA Free Public Records Directory
Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.