U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the Eastern District of Wisconsin

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  • Court Name:U.S. Bankruptcy Court Records for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
    Case Number:15-22743-gmh
    Party Name:Jason C. Braatz and Stephanie M. Braatz
  • Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 2 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Swanson, Paul G. [Discharging Debtor Ch. 7]
    Date Published:July 08, 2015
  • Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 2 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Swanson, Paul G. [Final Decree (Chapter 7)]
    Date Published:July 08, 2015
  • Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 2 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Swanson, Paul G. [Close Bankruptcy Case]
    Date Published:July 08, 2015
  • Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 2 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Swanson, Paul G. [Financial Management Course Certificate]
    Date Published:June 15, 2015
  • Filing Type:Bankruptcy, Office: 2 Chapter: 7 Trustee: Swanson, Paul G. [Meeting of Creditors 7 (No Asset)]
    Date Published:March 23, 2015