Los Angeles, CA Public Records

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Search Los Angeles, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 90001 with a total population of 3,792,621. Look up recorded information of Los Angeles, including demographics and local economy. Link to all levels of Los Angeles, government and their sites with services which provide public information. Current economy, business and housing data. Read about up to date current events and what is occurring in Los Angeles. Find out about the background of residents and recorded statistics. Request criminal records specific to Los Angeles, from law enforcement departments with access to the state's repository with official background check of arrests and convicted felonies. Access a directory aimed toward producing open public records and instant information available online. Los Angeles sources are added on a regular basis for the best and most current services.
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  • Where would my brother be locked up if he was arrested?
    The LA sheriff's department has a public search of inmates that shows charges, booking time and date, housing location, court, bail, and release information.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find access to my old arrest records?
    You can go to the LA county sheriff's site and see how to do it in person or by mail. You can also see what you will need to obtain one. Criminal case files can contain a copy of the arrest report, and the case file from the courthouse can be easier to retrieve than an arrest report from a law enforcement agency.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Can I get my divorce records online?
    The link https://www.lacourt.org/links you to court records, where you can order them directly from the state.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out what charges are against someone out on bail?
    The case should be filed at the courthouse and considered public records. They may be open to the public. However, you will still have to go and get them (dig them up). There are services/companies which attorneys use to file or retrieve copies of filings from the courthouse, or you can do it on your own by visiting the location in person.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can I find out about deadlines to have any drug charges reduced to misdemeanors?
    11/2017 You can file online by googling Prop. 47 or by contacting a public defender's office. In L.A. county, dial 211, and a recording will tell you which number to press for assistance with filing! Really.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I determine if I have any judgments against me for unpaid debts?
    You can search LA's superior court online services on their site and request cases from 1983 to today for lawsuits more than $25,000 and from 1991 to today for lesser civil cases. The link below [Los Angeles Court Records] will land on the court's webpage.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out if someone died in a particular home?
    Many periodical stories mention local crimes, and serious crimes are even more so. You can search them out by searching the street name or name of the building complex over and over using different formats on the web or at local libraries. Also, there's a difference between a peaceful death and whether it was a crime. A peaceful death would most likely not show up unless it was a publicly known person, not to mention that many residences have had people pass away naturally while inhabiting it.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find the plot in the cemetery where my friend, who died in a fire at nine years old, was buried if I don't remember her last name?
    Claudia, have you tried going to your local library and requesting a copy of the newspaper that reported the tragic story in 1982? Since the 9-yr old died in the fire, most likely her full name was made public in the paper, and that should give you a clue as to what name you need to search for your friend's burial site. Perhaps the closest cemetery to where she lived is where she is buried, however, call the various cemeteries and give them her name once you have it. They will direct you to her plot, where people's ashes are buried. Good luck, and I extend my sincere sympathy.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can I get a copy of my marriage certificate?
    The LA county registrar recorder county clerk provides marriage records dating back to 1852. You can request them online, by mail, or in person. You can click on the below link: Los Angeles County Birth Records. It's the same department, and the "Records" has a marriage request link.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find traffic-related arrest records or logs?
    Crime mapping can show you DUI arrests, among other crimes. LA County Sheriff and the LAPD have arrest logs the public can access.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I obtain records of my criminal report?
    This link http://www.lasd.org/takes you to the sheriff's department's website. If the LASD took a criminal report, you could request it from there. The department has restrictions on who can obtain the report (California Public Records Act- Section 6254(f) of the California Government Code). Here, in part, is what the sheriff's page says: "incident reports are released only to victims named in these reports or those specifically authorized to receive these reports."
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I locate the inheritance property of my deceased husband?
    Have you checked for deed recordings? Names or the name of the trust itself are shown on recorded deeds? A deed search from county recorders can be under names or addresses, lot numbers, etc. Los Angeles county does not allow for online searches for deeds. The two methods available are in person at their Norwalk location for Los Angeles county recorded deeds or by mail.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find out if criminal activity existed in a specific location?
    Crime mapping shows criminal activities in a particular area by street and address. However, those are recent incidents and crimes reported by police departments; they only go back so far; you can check it out and see how far back they go. I was able to do a search of Tarzana going back nearly a year and hadn't reached the end yet. You can narrow it down to the block. However, you'll receive the report number to request the full report if necessary.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find my divorce decree from 1999?
    Regardless of the city, divorces and related filings are at California's county-level courts. The Los Angeles county court website has online public services you can use to begin your search, including finding cases online. Since the records are probably too old to show up on the web, you will need to go to the court to get them. There are court services that will do that for you, often used by attorneys. They're independent companies with delivery services familiar with court procedures and filing systems.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can I find out when my bankruptcy was filed and discharged?
    There is a free bankruptcy information search above under Los Angeles County Free Court Records Search. The search can be based on the parties' names or any keyword. You can try as many times as possible and sign up for updates. All of this can be done without paying. There's no guarantee of finding everything that has ever been filed, but as a free search, it is something to consider doing.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How do I find Criminal complaints, and where are official charges filed?
    The Los Angeles district attorney's office files charges in criminal courts. Complaints, either criminal or civil, are court records that are deemed to be public. You can go to the courthouse in person or look up case information online. Start at the County of Los Angeles superior court's website, then roll your cursor over the division's tab on top; the drop-down menu will have a criminal court link. That will take you to a page with online services on its left. You can find information with a case number, criminal case summary search, or index of defendants in criminal cases. The index provides information on felony case files from 1980 to today and misdemeanor files from 1988. The criminal calendar case search is an online instant search by name, location, or hearing date. The criminal court's questions and answers links at the bottom have additional information about where you can get information about a criminal case.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can I find a record of when 911 came to my house, although I didn't press charges?
    Contact your local police dept, 911 would direct that call to them, and they are the ones that show up at your home or the area in question local police dept at the time of the call. Call the police dept business hours line and ask them for the report.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where do I find my decree of divorce and stipulations of alimony support?
    If you go to a divorce as the county registrar in the city, you get divorced. They will have your divorce papers; from those, you can find the court that added stipulations for the divorce, aka alimony and such.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find arrest records from May 27th, 2006, to July 15th, 2006?
    The arresting police department generally issues arrest reports, and requests can be submitted directly to the department.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find who owns a house?
    The LA county assessor's office provides deed information; it is a routine and often requests. You can use the public online property search offered by the agency's site.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find a copy of my husband's juvenile arrest record?
    There's a different procedure for obtaining police arrest records/reports, also named incident reports in some cases. Arrest reports are obtained from the arresting agency, such as the sheriffs or police departments. Did the LAPD or LASD make the arrest? Criminal cases and their files are at the court where the case was tried. Was there a conviction? If so, the court will have the record; if there were no convictions or you may not have gone to court, you may be left with the arrest report.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find out if clearance letters from the LAPD are valid for employment purposes?
    The police department in LA does provide clearance letters, but only for foreign travel and adoption. The California Department of Justice issues clearance letters or letters of good conduct for immigration purposes. Most other states do provide clearance letters for employment reasons, and the FBI conducts checks for specific employer categories in California.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find out what happens to juvenile records once you're an adult?
    Juvenile records do not go away on their own. Once you reach the age of eighteen, you are eligible to seal your juvenile records. Five years after that, they will be destroyed. You can do this by filling out a court form and filing it with the juvenile court where the conviction was.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find arrest records and background checks?
    A common request when looking into a person's criminal history is their arrests on record. A popular reason for trying to see someone's arrests, specifically if recent, is when people are looking for a loved one they suspect is in trouble. The significant difference between these is the timeline of a particular arrest, whether in the past or was it recent, within hours, days, or even still in custody. When looking for past arrests, the first thought is to run a background check. Whether private or through law enforcement agencies that can provide official reports. Do not fall into the trap of thinking a background check will automatically include arrests. The arrest information is not included in so many background checks because they're not convictions. Convictions appear in background checks, which can sometimes include criminal court records. However, arrests are viewed differently as the individual has not been convicted and is still deemed innocent under the law. The result can be unintended incrimination toward the arrestee without being found guilty in the first place. If they're convicted, so be it, they should appear in a quality comprehensive criminal history search, sometimes called conviction databases from police and sheriff's agencies. As previously pointed out, in some areas, law enforcement agencies at various levels provide background checks to the public, whether statewide (state police), countywide (county sheriffs), or citywide (police departments). The FBI also provides background checks (note that it doesn't mean everyone qualifies to obtain a background from the FBI).

    An initial step in the right direction is to see which type of record you need and why. Employers tend to request background checks, and so do individuals for various purposes to see a conviction history, of which there are many sources, either private or government. What if you're looking for a recent arrest? You're suspecting an individual you know may have been arrested. It is not similar to when a celebrity gets arrested and appears all over the media after that. It would be best to find someone you think may be in custody and do it immediately.

    Viewing recent arrests is simple and open to the public in many jurisdictions. This is especially true in densely populated areas with more extensive jail facilities. When an individual is arrested, they go through a booking process. The process provides a record of detained individuals, which can include the incident report, evidence, and more, depending on the policy and procedures of each facility. With ads all over the net from private entities claiming to provide arrest reports, a significant number of the public is unaware that police and sheriff departments offer free public use of their online inmate databases. Los Angeles maintains one of the most extensive county facilities in the U.S., housing a highly populated jail; their website offers a name query inmate search.

    Finally, when trying to get arrest reports, sometimes called incident reports, why not go directly to the source of information, the police and sheriff's stations? Their websites can show you how to make an arrest report request containing better detail than a simple inmate search. The bottom line is that criminal information comes from one government office/agency or another. With the help of technology, many have public resources that can eliminate the need for an intermediary, such as a private entity reselling the information.

    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find the arrest log for November 8th, 2013?
    The police department keeps arrest logs which some will put online for public view. In this instance, the LAPD links crime maps through its website, which shows crimes and arrests, responses to calls, and more. Other areas are also covered. You can see the case number, date and time of the crime, location, description, and arrest department.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find out if the police department offers background checks?
    The LAPD offers several types of crime reports to the public with restrictions. Some require court orders or subpoenas, and some require just a request form. When looking for arrest summaries for yourself, you can request to obtain a list of dates, charges, and dispositions. This can be applied for in person or by mail. You can go to the LA superior court if you're looking for misdemeanor DUI arrests. For felony DUI records, the request can be made directly to the records and identification division of the LAPD. Arrest reports are different and, in most cases, require a court order or subpoena. Copies of crime reports can be obtained from the department by mailing the request to its records and identification division. Other reports that can be ordered are traffic reports, detention date information, and more. Each type of record has its guidelines. These may not be the only method to request data and do not cover any arrests or crimes outside their jurisdiction.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find the charges filed against someone arrested on February 28th, 2013?
    The LA county sheriff's department offers a free online search of detainees. You can see the arrest date, time, the agency that arrested the individual, bail amount, housing location, court, release, and case information. The case data link will show the court address, a fair amount, court date, disposition, sentence, and date.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • How can the public access background checks and criminal records?
    Many businesses, along with the general public, are not aware of methods in which to obtain a criminal history report and its restrictions. When an employer must screen applicants, certifications, professional licensing, and clearances when applying for immigration or temporary visas and adoptions abroad, the California Department of Justice offers automated services to access criminal history background checks. Fingerprints can be scanned digitally and submitted electronically, allowing a quick response time of 72 hours after submissions. A certified roller or law enforcement personnel must perform the fingerprinting process.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
  • Where can I find access to a list of court cases for free?
    The LA superior court has a free calendar search open to the public. It will show probate, divorces, and general civil cases by case number or by type, and location for the past fourteen days may vary with location. Calendar information for criminals is not found on the superior court's site, so they may require to visit the court in person or by calling in. Court calendars are lists of upcoming trials being heard in a particular court. The docket is a brief summation showing defendants, plaintiffs, time, titles, and dates waiting for trials. A calendar search under the party name will also return information, including the case number. The case number is more unique than party names and can contain letters and characters signifying venue, date, or case type. It is used similarly to the case identification or serial number. With the case number, a case summary search can be conducted. The case summary on the Los Angeles Superior court's website will list more detailed information such as documents that were filed, case and party information, and proceedings' details. You can see further information by accessing the document images of your particular case. You can find the location of the court on the court's website and go to the courthouse in person. In most cases, checking out the filings is free. However, if you need to request copies, there will be fees to cover those costs. You can again use the online docket information to obtain the case number before arriving at the courthouse, which will save you the inconvenience of not having it. You can search by case type and location in the calendar section, where you do not need additional information. You will return a list of cases on the calendar for the next few days containing the case number. Costs associated with public services are increasingly being designated to individuals using the sources made available to them. So in these instances, fees are imposed on a particular portion of the public instead of the agency's main tax revenue budget.
    Open-Public-Records.com (Staff)
Los Angeles, CA Free Public Records Directory

Departments which record, maintain and provide official documents, certificates or information requested by the general public.

Los Angeles, CA Crime Records (Updated 03/18/2025)
  • Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
Los Angeles County, CA Latest Crime Records (Updated 03/18/2025)
  • Total Violent Crime:
  • Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter:
  • Rape:
  • Robbery:
  • Aggravated Assault:
  • Total Property Crime:
  • Burglary:
  • Larceny Theft:
  • Motor Vehicle Theft:
  • Arson:
Los Angeles, CA Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of residents
  • White resident population recorded
  • Black or African American resident population recorded
  • American Indian and Alaska native resident population recorded
  • Asian resident population recorded
  • Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander resident population recorded
  • Hispanic or Latino of any race resident population recorded
  • Resident population of some other race recorded
  • Resident population of two or more races recorded
Los Angeles County, CA Census Data
  • Information About People and Demographics

  • Total population of persons residing within the County
  • County's white resident population
  • County's black resident population
  • County's American Indian and Alaska Native resident populations
  • County's Asian resident population
  • County's Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander resident population
  • Countywide resident population of two or more races
  • Countywide resident population of Hispanic or Latino origin
  • Non Hispanic white resident population